Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sock Organizer

My mother in-law just gave me a gift the other day called the 'drawer organizer'.  I decided to use it for my daughter's socks and tights that fill up one smallish drawer.  This organizer is a bunch of wavy pieces of plastic that click together and form compartments.  It can be used for socks, underwear, jewellery, ties, belts etc.  My daughter's socks went from a pile in her drawer that she had to dig through, to being super organized.
The package for the 'drawer organizer' looks like this....

Totally light weight and compact

My daughter's sock drawer now looks like this...

You can attach as many rows as you need to fit the drawer

I don't know where to buy this in Israel yet but for any of you who go to chutz l'aretz I checked on line to see where you could pick this up.  You could search on Amazon.com,  I saw one for around $10 that looked like this....

'Honey-Can-Do' drawer organizers
This is what I have $9.90 on Amazon.com

Or, you can get something that does the job, here at IKEA.  It comes in compartments of 9 so you have to measure and see what fits in your drawer.   You could put more than one pair of socks in each square.

46 cm by 56 cm
I never would have thought to buy such a thing but now that I have it I really think it's fantastic.  So a big 'thank you' to my mother in-law!   Oh and I need more for the other kids!

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